To the authors
List of requirements and conditions for the publication of articles in Bulletin of MMU (International Medical University)
1. Rules for publishing articles in the journal
- The material proposed for publication must be original, unpublished previously in other printed The following components should be consistently stated in the article: relevance, tasks, current state of the problem, description of the research methodology, discussion of the results, conclusions. The recommended volume of the article is 0.5...1 p. l. (8...16 pages).
- The Editorial Board reserves the right to scientific and literary editing of articles without changing the scientific content of the author's version. The author is responsible for the accuracy of reproducing names, quotations, formulas, and The submitted manuscripts are not returned to the authors.
- The editorial board of the scientific journal carries out independent review of articles. The article sent to the author for revision must be returned to the editorial office (marked "corrected") within 10 days, otherwise it will be The revised version of the article is reviewed and reviewed anew.
2. Completeness and form of provision of copyright copies
- The materials provided must contain:
- scientific direction;
- UDC cipher;
- surname, first name, patronymic of the author (co-authors) (in full) (in Russian and English); Russian Russian and English languages);
- abstract – from 100-250 words (in Russian and English). According to the annotation, the reader should determine whether it is worth referring to the full text of the article for more detailed information of interest to him. It is worth refraining from secondary information and expressing thoughts more concisely.
- keywords – within 7-10 (in Russian and English);
- the main part;
- bibliographic list (no more than 5 years ago) of at least 10-15 sources (see section 4 for the rules of registration);
- information about the author(s): surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, city, country, contact phone and email (Russian Russian and English languages);
- scientific interests of the author(s) (in Russian and English); - scientific interests of the author(s) (in Russian and English);
- a color photo of the author(s) on a white background (business style) in an electronic version in the format *.JPG, *.BMP or *, TIFF, file size up to 1 MB;
- review of the supervisor, consultant or specialist dealing with the subject of the claimed research (original or electronic version);
- expert opinion on the possibility of publishing the article in the open press (scanned copy);
- the result of the originality of the text checked for plagiarism, preferably in the "Anti-Plagiarism" system ( ).
2.2. General rules of text formatting
The article on electronic media should be saved under the name corresponding to the surname of the first author, typed in the Microsoft Office Word program.
It is recommended to observe the following settings:
The text of the article should have the following structure:
- introduction;
- methodology and methodology of research;
- the results of the study and the scope of their application;
2.3. Formulas, figures, tables
Text design of tables in electronic documents: Times New Roman font 14 size. Tables do not need to be presented in separate documents.
2.4. References
References to sources in the text of the article should be placed in square brackets in accordance with the numbering in the list of references, which for the original article — at least 10 sources.
It is not allowed to take links from the text down the strip. The list of references should not contain titles of educational literature, dissertations and literature without authorship (the constitution, laws, they are only mentioned in the text). It is not allowed to include your own works in the list of references. The list should contain, if possible, at least two sources in a foreign language.
The list of references should be provided in Russian (GOST 7.0.5. – 2008. Bibliographic reference), according to the following requirements:
Conference materials:
Books (monographs, collections, conference materials in general):
Link to an Internet resource:
2.5. Transliteration Rules
On the http site: // / you can use the transliteration program of Russian text into Latin for free.
The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the specified requirements.