The library of MMU was visited by guests from BGU. K. Karasaeva
The library of the MMU was visited by guests from the Bishkek Humanitarian University. K. Karasayeva, in particular, Director of the Scientific Library, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Roza Akhmatovna Turdukeeva, Director of the Center for Digital Development, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Esharov Elzarbek Asanovich, Leading Specialist of the Scientific Library Kurmanalieva Kenzhe and IT specialist Kadyrov Ruslan.
The guests were given a tour of the MMU library and the URC EMMU. Employees of the URC demonstrated the IRBIS System and the technology of work of automated workstations for librarians. They showed in detail the electronic library, databases, the process of automated book lending based on radio tags of documents, remote booking and ordering of literature, the technology of the electronic user form, etc.
We are grateful to the guests for the kind words addressed to us and are always happy for the development of our mutual cooperation!