On April 25, 2022, a meeting of the Academic Council was held at the International Medical University
Members of the Academic Council discussed important issues of the university activities.
Rector of the International Medical University (IMU), Chairman of the Academic Council, Doctor of Medical Sciences, acting Professor Maykanaev B.B. informed the members of the Academic Council about the stages of preparation for international program and institutional accreditation International Medical University (MMU).
Dean of the Faculty of General Medicine Ryspekova Ch.D., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Abdullaev J.N., Lecturer of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine Said Akhunzada Asaf spoke about the preparation for the State Attestation Commission (SAC) in this year.
Vice-Rector of MMU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Sin E.E. reminded about the quality preparation for the new academic year.
Chief specialist of the educational-methodical and inspection department of MMU Arapov T.B. informed about the progress of monitoring the effectiveness of the rating system for assessing the knowledge of students studying at the departments of MMU.
In the "Miscellaneous" section, issues of preparation for the upcoming scientific and practical conferences, which will be held in the near future, were discussed.
Press service of the International Medical University