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Emergency Regime in the Kyrgyz Republic March 22, 2020

On March 22, the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic introduced an emergency for 1 month throughout the Kyrgyz Republic. The movement of all minibuses has completely stopped, trolleybuses and buses run in limited mode. In the country, at all entrances and exits from the region / city / settlement, checkpoints have been established. All shopping and entertainment facilities (except pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores) in the country do not work.

The operational headquarters of the International Medical University disinfected the university and carried out explanatory work among students.
The International Medical University’s operations headquarters asks its students to follow the rules of conduct to prevent coronavirus infection:
1) observe personal hygiene;
2) try not to leave the house;
3) if you feel unwell, call an ambulance in Bishkek (103) or an ambulance of the IMU (1250);
4) should you go out, always carry an identification document.


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Monday - Saturday
8:30 - 17:30


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