Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities
In 1939 the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute was opened, and in 1940 the Department of Biochemistry was established. The first head of the Department of Biochemistry, in the period from 1940 to 1945, was appointed Ivanov Ilya Ilyich, a graduate of the Moscow State University with a degree in biochemistry. Professor Ivanov I.I. paid a lot of attention to the organization of the Department of Biochemistry in KGMI and training of highly qualified personnel. In the personal file of Professor Ivanov I.I. there are positive reviews about his scientific activities of academicians V.A. Engelhardt and B.I. Zbarsky. In 1941, the department of KSMI merged with the department of biochemistry of Kharkov medical institute. In the period from 1945 to 1948, the Department of Biochemistry was headed by Alexander Leonidovich Brodsky, in which he graduated in 1913 from Chemical faculty of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, at the same time taught a course in organic chemistry. In the period from 1948-1954, the department Biochemistry is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Boris Abramovich Rashkovan. By this time, the department was sufficiently staffed biochemists.
From February 1, 1945-1963, the department was headed by Konopelko Kuzma Gavrilovich, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Subsequently, the Department of Biochemistry in the period from 1963 to 1986 was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B.M. Kopytin. Professor B.M. Kopytin graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute in 1944, then completed his postgraduate studies at the Department of Pathological Physiology of the Institute experimental biology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the SSR. During his work at KGMI Professor B.M. Kopytin has published over 100 scientific papers, 5 candidates of sciences were prepared, among them associate professor Kuchuk E.M., associate professor Bozumova K.A. Received the title of Honored Worker of Public Education of the USSR, as well as an Excellent Worker of Public Health of the Kyrgyz SSR.
The Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities began its activities in 2016 in the specialty "General Medicine" in Russian and English. At the beginning, the department was headed by Aibasheva N. The head of the department from September 2, 2019 was appointed associate professor, Ph.D. Zhalilova Ainagul Abdisalanovna
During the reporting period, 8 teachers work at the department, including 6 full-time, external part-time teachers - 2. From the number of full-time employees:
associate professors, Ph.D. - 1 person; associate professors, Ph.D. - 1 person; teachers without a degree - 5, who are currently working on PhD theses.
The department is scheduled to defend candidate dissertations of 4 teachers. Also, the staff of the department take part in international symposia and conferences, research expeditions.
The Department of Natural Sciences and Humanities is an educational and scientific structural unit of the Moscow Medical University, which carries out educational and methodological work to train doctors at the pre-graduation stage, clinical residency and postgraduate studies.
The following disciplines are taught:- Biology with elements of ecology
- Medical biology, genetics and parasitology
- Microbiology
- Virology
- Immunology
- General and Bioorganic Chemistry
- General and Clinical Biochemistry
- Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
- Basic Pharmacology