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The main activities of the Educational-Methodological and Inspection Department:

  1. Planning and coordination of interaction between structural units of the university on educational and methodological work.
  2. Organizational, methodological support and control of the educational process of the university on every levels.
  3. Information and analytical support for monitoring educational activities at the university.

The educational-methodical and inspection department is a functional structural unit of the university, planning, organizing, coordinating, recording and monitoring the activities of departments in accordance with the requirements.

The educational-methodical and inspection department is subordinate to the vice-rector for educational work. In its activities, the Educational-Methodological and Inspection Department is guided by the normative and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education and Science, but also the Ministry of Health, the University Charter, on orders of the rector.
The educational-methodical and inspection department is subordinate to the vice-rector for educational work. In its activities, the Educational-Methodological and Inspection Department is guided by the normative and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education and Science, but also the Ministry of Health, the University Charter, on orders of the rector.
The efforts of the Educational-Methodological and Inspection Department are aimed at optimizing the effectiveness of curriculums and programs, ensuring the learning conditions, developing the creative personality of students, stimulating youth's individual abilities in all types of educational activities. The educational-methodology and the inspection department, together with the dean's office, conducts purposeful work on the rational use of the study time budget, reducing the workload of students, furthermore elective courses and additional classes are introduced depending of the students’ decisions.
The curriculum, the schedule of examination sessions, state exams, industrial practices are drawn up by taking into account the requirements of modern psychology and pedagogy. The introduction of the new generation standards in a competent format that bring innovative forms of organizing the educational process.
At the university, work is underway to create an integrated model allowing to plan the educational process. The systematic implementation of such a project involves combining interconnected and complementary databases "Curricula", "Curriculum of disciplines", "Academic load", "Contingent of students", "Personnel", "Teaching staff", " fund "," Curriculum schedules "and" Book supply "involved in planning and ensuring the learning process.

In its practical activities, the educational department solves the following main tasks:

  • The development of regulations and orders for the organization of the educational process at the university;
  • The examination and approval of curriculum developed by departments and faculties;
  • The development of working curriculum for planning the study load;
  • monitoring the fulfillment of the norms of the weekly workload of students, taking into account the independent and the controlled independent work;
  • analysis of the methodological provision of disciplines;
  • planning and calculating the teaching load of the departments, calculating the needs of the department staff, the teaching staff and teaching and auxiliary personnel;
  • control over the distribution and implementation of the teaching load in the departments;
  • The accounting of hourly work;
  • Development and approval of schedules of the educational process in the university;
  • analysis of the results of the current certification of students, the results of examination sessions, reports of the chairmen of state certification commissions (SAC);
  • drawing up educational schedules (semester, sessions, lecture weeks, credit weeks, defense of graduation projects, etc.);
  • analysis of the practical training of students;
  • systematic analysis and control of educational, methodological and planning documentation at departments and faculties.

Матиева Чынара Карыбековна

Должность: Начальник Учебно-методического и инспекционного отдела (УМИО)


Телефон: +(996) 990 000 201

Адрес: ул. Анкара1/17

Тилекматова Айжан Турсунбековна

Должность: Главный специалист Учебно-методического и инспекционного отдела (УМИО)


Телефон: + (996) 990 000 201

Адрес: ул. Анкара1/17

Джапаркулова Аида Кубанычбековна

Должность: Ведущий специалист Учебно-методического и инспекционного отдела (УМИО)

Почта: aizhanatilekmatova@gmail.com

Телефон: + (996) 990 000 201

Адрес: ул. Анкара1/17

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