The International Medical University is an innovative educational and research institution of higher education, which has an international status and has passed the independent accreditation of educational institutions and programs "SAPATTUU BILIM". The International Medical University is included in the directory of the World Health Organization, as well as in the list of the educational commission for foreign graduates of medical universities in the United States. The diplomas of our university are recognized in the CIS countries, India, Pakistan, the USA and Canada.
Training of highly qualified, competitive personnel using world innovative technologies, in accordance with international standards based on the requirements of the world labor market, aimed at improving the health and quality of life of the population, through the formation of highly moral and universal principles of medical care.
A higher educational institution that produces medical specialists who are competitive and in demand on the world labor market, who are able to apply the latest achievements of medical science, education and practice in their activities by introducing innovative and advanced technologies in medicine in their professional life.
The university has a highly qualified teaching staff in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standards of the Kyrgyz Republic with training and teaching in Russian and in English. Meetings with scientists from near and far abroad are also held on a regular basis. Scientists from England, Germany, Russia and Kazakhstan have visited to give lectures and interact with the students.
Today, the university includes 3 faculties: General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. The whole complex includes residency, a College of Medicine and a Pharmacy, a modern clinic Avicenna medical, TV studio and more than 2000 students from near and far abroad. The university has 9 educational and experimental laboratories equipped with advanced innovative equipment: pathological physiology, microbiology, histology and pathological anatomy. There is a vivarium for scientific and experimental work, an anatomical museum was also launched with more than 100 plastinated exhibits of human and animal organs
- Each student is provided with access to the databases of the electronic library. The modern library of the university with a fund of more than 50 thousand books, includes teaching aids, teaching materials. Reading rooms are equipped with tablets and computers for the convenience of students. To automate library technologies and corporate interaction of the MMU library, the Library Automation System and the creation of the electronic library "IRBIS 64+" was establish, which meets all international requirements for modern library systems, there is also a modern, full-scale printing house.
- At the Avicenna Medical University Clinic, it is planned to launch 16 departments with 600 beds, an intensive care unit, 9 operating units. Today there is a polyclinic and an emergency medical service. In the near future, in the clinic, university students will undergo practical training during the educational process, as well as have access to ongoing operations in real mode in 3 operating rooms.
- The vivarium at the Moscow Medical University is intended for keeping laboratory animals that are used in experimental work or in the educational process. Provided with conditions and equipment for conducting experiments. The vivarium consists of 4 blocks: a block of mice, rats, guinea pigs and a block of rabbits. The laboratory animals of the vivarium are intensively used by students during their educational and industrial and scientific and industrial practices.
- Qualified staff provide adequate care for laboratory animals and constant veterinary control.
- An anatomical museum has been created in the Morphological Building, which performs two main functions: educational and demonstration. There is a large collection of individual parts of the body and the whole body (normal, pathological and plastinated preparations), dummies of individual organs and areas that students study both independently and with the participation of a consultant teacher. Pirogov's table is a unique teaching equipment ideal for teaching students and doctors in most natural science disciplines. More than 4000 3D objects, as well as the ability to interact with them through an intuitive interface, make the classes visual and memorable.
- The scientific journal of the University Vestnik is published annually, where the works of scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and our Republic are published. With the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the university was able to transfer the educational process online in the shortest possible time, using the most advanced achievements of television and information technology. Today, the university operates a unique learning management system LMS, which was developed by Moscow programmers. On the territory of the university there is a hostel with all conditions, sports grounds where sports events are regularly held
International cooperation in the field of higher education, science and culture is carried out within the framework of international agreements concluded by the MMU with foreign scientific and educational institutions and organizations. The existence of an agreement allows to streamline relations with a foreign partner in the implementation of joint activities, provides a basis for deepening and expanding the forms and directions of cooperation, delimits the powers and responsibilities of the parties. Every day, the integration of MMU into the global scientific and educational space and its positioning at the international level continues through the development of partnerships and networking with leading universities, research centers and organizations of the world, such as:
- Lahore University of Pakistan.
- University of South Asia Pakistan.
- Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov
- National Research Mordovian State University A.P. Ogarevo
- Nizhnevartovsk State University.
- Andijan State Medical University
- Graduate School of Business National - Louis University (Poland).
The university has graduated 64 general practitioners since last year.
Welcome to the International Medical University!
- Устав ММУ
- Решение о создании ММУ
- Технический паспорт ММУ
- Структура ММУ
- Стратегия развития Международного медицинского университета на 2021-2026
- Стратегия план развития Международного медицинского университета на 2021-2026
- Аккредитация
- Лицензия на право ведения образовательной деятельности в сфере профессионального образования
- Вторая Лицензия на право ведения образовательной деятельности в сфере профессионального образования
- Свидетельство о Регистрации
- Этический кодекс-ММУ
- Положение о порядке замещения должностей профессорско-преподавательского состава
- Положение о социальной поддержке студентов ММУ
- Положение о студенческом сенате международного медицинского университета
- Положение об ученом совете международного медицинского университета
- Положение об отделе кадров и архива Международного Медицинского Университета
- Положение об Учебно-Методическом совете Международного Медицинского Университета
- Положение о Воспитательной Работе со студентами
- Положение о кафедре Международного Медицинского Университета
- Положение о кураторстве
- Положение об отделе качества и аккредитации
- Руководство системы менеджмента качества образования
- Положение о внутренней системе обеспечения качества образования ММУ
- Положение об отделе производственной практики
- Положение о производственной практике студентов
- Положение Редакционно-Издательском Центре
- О пороговых баллах
- План работы приемной комиссии ММУ за 2021-2022 учебный год
- Правила приема в Международный Медицинский Университет на 2021-2022 учебный год
- Положение об официальном сайте ММУ